Evaluation Of Mr. Johnston For A Forensic Evaluation

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In the order dated March 3, 2016, the court referred Mr. Johnston for a forensic evaluation. The trained Mater Level, Forensic Mental Health Psychologist Evaluator, supervised by the leading license Psychiatrist on duty, will evaluate Mr. Johnston to conduct a pre-trial evaluation for the courts.
The case vignette states Mr. Johnston was arrested and charged with several counts of burglary, multiple criminal mischiefs, possession of controlled substance, and assault on an officer. Reportedly, Mr. Johnston tried to manipulate a member of the church to give him access to the monies. Mr. Johnston tried to evade the crime scene and struck the officer during the process. Mr. Johnston was connected to a sting of church burglaries. Mr. Johnston was arrested with possession of drugs and a knife. The court’s purpose of the forensic evaluation is to determine if Mr. Johnston is competent to stand trial; intellectual status, and risk. This evaluation will start with assessing his psychological behavior through a clinical interview and mental status evaluation to shape the diagnostic impression.
The following sources and data used to formulate the diagnostic impression: comprehensive exiting examination, clinical interview, mental status examination.
According to Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (2013), a clinical interview is an important …show more content…

Johnston is a 26 year old, white Caucasian, male, married Rosa C. (Separated). Mr. Johnston has a son. Mr. Johnson stated he currently has a pregnant girlfriend named Jennifer. Mr. Johnston did not identify stable employment or residence within the comprehensive exiting examination. However, his residence and employment should be explored due to the lack of information. As well as his statement in the vignette, Rose C. has a protective order against him. Mr. Johnston recanted his statement about Rose but the evaluator will request for previous police reports. The data collected will assist with formulating Mr. Johnston’s traumatic

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