Events Vladek Essay

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Maus Summary Essay The topic for this essay are the events vladek has gone through and how it changed his life. After every catastrophic event, the event will affect one's actions and how they think for as long as you live. In the book, ‘Maus’ Vladek is a jew that survived the holocaust and is telling the story to his son Artie, and while he is telling the story of how he survived, he shows actions that clearly show the fact that he was affected from the events that took place in his life. This essay is going to highlight these three different events that took place in Vladek’s life, the first one is when vladek was taken to a POW camp and how he was treated compared to the poles. The second event that will be highlighted is when …show more content…

While he was in the trenches a polish officer commands Vladek to shoot, but when he starts shooting, he is also being shot at. While vladek is shooting he kills at least one man before the Germans come and take prisoners into a prisoner-of-war (POW) camp. But when they get to the camp the Jewish POWs are separated from the polish soldiers and made to do hard labour, in addition to that the Jewish prisoner is treated much worse than the Polish prisoners because they are given unheated shelters and very little food. But Six Months Later, the Germans ask for volunteers to go to other labour camps, and Vladek volunteers. At the labour camp conditions are much better, but the work is still brutal. One night, Vladek has a dream where his grandfather says that he will leave the camp on the day of Parshas Truma. But Vladek realized that Parshas Truma doesn't begin for another Three months, So now he has to live in this Brutal life for another 3 months. Three Months Later, Vladek and other Prisoners were released and then Vladek went home to his family. But that wasn't an easy process, first, he had to look and act like a polish person so he could bypass the security on the train to Sosnowiec and after all that he has to try to not get