How Did Vladek Life Change

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Throughout Maus, Vladek is telling his son Artie about how he survived the Holocaust. He explained to Artie that before the war, life was good for him and his family. He tells him everything about his experience during the war as well, from the relationship he had with his family and Anja, to his friendships with both gentiles and Jews, to things he might of found or kept throughout the war. However now, a few decades after the war, Vladek’s lifestyle has changed drastically from during the war, and even from before the war. Vladek’s friendships, relationships, and everyday life has changed due to the Holocaust and WWII. Vladek's friendships has changed a lot during the war. Before the war, Vladek was the “star” of Sosnowiec. Girls called Vladek almost daily. It almost seemed as if anyone would do anything for him. However, once the war was starting to escalate, there was a riot Bielsko and Vladek came home to Janina, Anja, and Richieu. …show more content…

This event in history had mentally and emotionally scarred him, and in his head, it’s almost as if the war never ended. During the beginning of the war, Vladek was very resourceful. He collected things and traded them in for things more valuable, like food, money or to save his life. The idea of him collecting things because he thought that it might somehow be useful in the war stuck to him, decades after the war had ended. In present time, Vladek picks things up from off of the street, hoards wrappers and even jugs from the hospital because he believes it might somehow be useful again. Now, because of the fact that things were resourceful back then, he thinks things will be resourceful to him now. Another way that the war impacted his daily life was because during the bunker The holocaust and WWII had such a significant impact on his present, everyday life, that it stayed with him