Ever Lovable Alfalfa Case Study

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Unsolved Mysteries The Case of the Ever Lovable Alfalfa By: Andrew Fisher Unlike those cute Little Rascals that we all loved growing up, this is the story of the one no one expected. This is a story of how Alfalfa became a serial killer using mosaic artwork by turning it into a virus. This story like many others started out with an innocent seedling gone rouge, maybe he got tired of his mother telling him to finish his plate at the dinner table, maybe it was his sister dressing him up like a girl, or maybe it was the neighbor kid calling him a dork; we will never know but we are going to find out if it is the last thing we do. This all started on a cold dreary night in 1931 when Detective Weimer was called to the scene of a horrific crime. …show more content…

AMV somehow stays one step ahead of us yet he has left enough genetic material behind that we have been able to run tests and find out that although he is terrorizing the world we can use him to fight other world concerns such as concerns. Stand assured we will capture him and he will be brought to justice for his acts of terrorism all over the globe. Bibliography A. Corina Vlot, L. N. (2001). Role of 3'-Untranslated Regions of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus RNAs in the formation of a Transiently Expressed Replicase in Plants and in the Assembly of Virions. Journal of Virology, 6440-6449. Association of Applied Biologists. (1980, September). Description of Plant Viruses . Retrieved November 12, 2015, from Description of Plant Viruses Web: http://www.dpvweb.net/dpv/showdpv.php?dpvno=229 B. He, J. H. (2011). Factors to Improve Detection of Alfalfa mosaic virus. Online: Plant Management Network. Frosheiser, F. I. (1973). Alfalfa Mosaic Virus Transmission to Seed Through Alfalfa Gametes and Longevity in Alfalfa Seed. St. Paul: Phytopathology. Nischwitz, C. (n.d.). Common Vegetable Disease. Retrieved from Utah State University: https://utahpests.usu.edu/IPM/files/uploads/PPTDocs/13sh-diseases-veg.pdf R. Brodzik, K. B. (2005). Advances in Alfalfa Mosaic Virus-mediated Expression of Anthrax Antigen in Planta. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,