INTRODUCTION This contextual project consist of 10 concept from the module Entitled Evidence Based Practice. Each concept will be described in terms of its meaning, will be critically analyzed for its real life application and will be followed by some reference of the current research evidence. Real life application will explore a possible relationship of the concepts with personal, social or professional life. CONCEPT:-1 CONCEPT OF RESEARCH AND NURSING PRACTICE This concept is taken from module 1. Subtopic 3 entitled research in nursing practice. Traditionally, nursing practice limited its practice to taking orders from medical practitioners to serving drugs to patients, dressing their wounds, making patients comfortable through bed making …show more content…
They all require facts on which they can base their professional practice. Nurses in the course of their professional practice are seeking for new knowledge to improve patients care. Nursing practice will expand through reported findings from research hence promoting evidence based practices and accountability for car related decisions. 3.1 PERSONAL CONTEXT Personally I am able to apply some research findings which are descriptive in nature to the care of my patients. For instance, the importance of frequent simple hand washing to minimize infection is always uppermost in mind. Evidence based practices have helped me in the care of my patients like the immunization of children whereby not only BC G vaccine is given to babies during the first visit like what obtained before. This discovery was possible due to research. I have realized that pre-operative information helps to reduce pain and stressed post operatively. 3.2 SOCIAL CONTEXT Community and home are all products of nursing research which members of the community are happy with. Health policies and health services evaluation are done to suit the needs of members of the society. Effective administrations of health and nursing services have helped to improve the efficiency and quality of patient care in the …show more content…
I observed that nurse researchers are held in high esteem by the younger nurses and student nurses who are mentored by the nurses. In clinical areas, I educate my patients based or recent findings that will improve nursing care. I have realized that a major barrier to evidence best practice in our profession is lack of research reports and articles because of the difficulties involved in accessing such reports and articles. 6.2 SOCIAL CONTEXT The body of knowledge underlying nursing needs to be extended and nurses must learn to make decisions which have a research base. Research is costly in terms of money, time, energy and expertise. I t is all a wasted and frustrated effort if the professional is not aware of its potential usefulness. Some patients contribute in creating this barrier when they are not educated well enough to accept new charges that are different from what they know. 6.3 APPLICATION IN CURRENT