Evil Comes Hand In Macbeth Dishonor

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It could be stated that evil comes hand in hand with dishonor, as the latter is almost intrinsic to wickedness. This statement can be observed in the drama Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare. This tragedy tells the tale of one ambitious man, Macbeth, and his wife who commit horrible, immoral acts to gain their place as rulers of Scotland. Lady Macbeth, while arguably sinister, pales in comparison to her husband, Macbeth, as he is more dishonorable and evil than her by far.
Macbeth is more dishonorable than his wife, Lady Macbeth, because of many reasons. Dishonor is one of the most prominent features of the man. Macbeth holds the title of thane, which implies that he had sworn allegiance to the king of Scotland, Duncan. A thane is responsible …show more content…

A king is to rule fairly over those he commands, this is proven as fact. However, Macbeth does quite the opposite once he obtains the throne of Scotland. He becomes a tyrant very quickly, his ambition rising to the point that he conspires with and helps two murderers hunt down and kill Banquo, his closest friend. He tells the men that he, “will advise you where to plant yourselves / Acquaint you with the perfect spy o’th’time / The moment on’t for’t must be done to-night” (3.1.128-130). Macbeth’s tyranny does not end with his murder of Duncan, but continues on to include his best friend and fellow thane, Banquo, merely because he shows suspicion towards Macbeth. Furthermore, his tyranny does not end here, either. Macbeth goes on to kill Macduff’s family and children as well, and says “Seize upon Fife, give to th’edge o’th’sword / His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls / that trace him in his line” (4.1.151-153). Not only does he murder his best friend, but he murders innocent citizens of Scotland as well. His wife, Lady Macbeth does not take the dagger into her own hands one time throughout the entirety of the play. Yet, Macbeth continues to kill mercilessly, proving that he is more evil than Lady

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