Hunger For Power In Macbeth

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Power is always coveted in any society and the world of Shakespeare’s Macbeth is no different. In the play, Macbeth, a noble lord, shows his hunger for power with thoughts to remove an heir to the throne from power. Macbeth’s impatience to be king leads him to stain his honor by using murder. Macbeth travels further down the path of evil by arranging the assassination of a friend. Macbeth loses his last scrap of morality when he orders the murder of innocents to enrage a rival. Shakespeare’s Macbeth shows that humans will do whatever it takes to achieve and maintain power by charting Macbeth’s descent from noble thane to murderous tyrant. Macbeth’s position of thane is already quite powerful but the need for more power overwhelms his loyalties to others. Macbeth believes that the Prince of Cumberland stands in his way to more power. “The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap, for in my way it lies.” (1.4.48-50) Macbeth’s dissatisfaction with his current power is well illustrated with him referring to the current heir to the throne as an obstacle to overcome. He thinks about this despite the fact that he serves the current king. Macbeth’s belief in his inherent right to power leads to fantastical dreams …show more content…

Macbeth’s impatience for power leads to drastic actions. He murders the king in the belief that “this blow might be the be-all and end-all” (1.7.5). This assassination could never “trammel up the consequence” (1.7.2-3), as Macbeth believes, but only leads to more trouble. Although Macbeth seizes the throne, Macbeth had to betray his loyalty to the king whose “virtues will plead like angels” (1.7.18-19), and his morality has paid the price. Macbeth has now lost all sense of what honor is by using such dishonest ways to become king. Macbeth’s murder of the king shows that the more power you acquire dishonestly, the more evil one