Evolution Of Horse Essay

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Source A

Title: Evolution of the Horse
Reference: Encyclopedia Britannica. 2018. Horse - Evolution of the horse | Britannica.com. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/animal/horse/Evolution-of-the-horse. [Accessed 06 February 2018].
Summary: This is a detailed timeline, mainly following the Equidae line originating from North America, however it does include information from other parts of the world and shows the evolution of the horse from the first predecessor, the Hyracotherium, also known as the Eohippus or Dawn horse. The factual article follows how the structure of the Equidae lineage has changed over the Epoch’s starting from 55.8 million years ago. There is images which give a detailed analysis of structural changes of …show more content…

The fossils can be found in museums and there are valid records available concerning how the fossils were acquired and what tests were conducted to prove the ancestry of the fossil. Advanced technology was used to hypothesize what the Dawn horse would look like based on its skeletal fossil that was found. Using this technology, the scientists were able to link the different variations of the horse and create the ancestral line which is documented in this article. It is an acceptable source to use because it was published this year, …show more content…

The source can help in understanding the evolution of the horse and in what way the horse adapted to evolutionary struggles. It can also help by giving information on the migration of the horse and give an approximate time as to when selective breeding may have occurred within the Equidae lineage. This source can be a reference point regarding the development of the Equidae lineage and can be a comparison to other sources to see if the timelines and development of the horse are similar and therefore