Example Of Annotated Bibliography Essay

1583 Words7 Pages

Vanessa Padilla

Professor Gust

Anthropology 112

17 November 2017
Annotated Bibliography

Johnson, Gregory A. "Aspects of Regional Analysis in Archaeology." Annual Review of Anthropology 6, no. 1 (1977): 479-508. doi:10.1146/annurev.an.06.100177.002403 In This article the author introduces us to the studies in anthropology and how important they are in the regional perspective. The way the anthropologist studies and creates a specific strategy and a framework that starts off with focusing on the spatial behavior and the settlement of human population. Not only the amount of human population is important but the grounds of the environmental area. Meaning is the location useful economic and is it basically worth associating these live hoods. …show more content…

"A History of Anthropological Theory. Paul A. Erickson, Liam D. Murphy." Journal of Anthropological Research 60, no. 3 (2004): 441-42. doi:10.1086/jar.60.3.3630780. In this book I will refer to the early 20th century and the early American cultural anthropology. Use an example of the French structural anthropology with the late 20th century postmodern. Here I can find the four reasons why agriculture didn’t develop like it was planned to. One of the reasons was speculation and the land speculators. The corporate word and the financing from banks as well as moving the big businesses from east to west. How land rights were beginning to become established with the developing of land rights and the rights of ways with national interest.
Ong, Marcus Eng Hock, Eng Hoe Tan, Xiuyuan Yan, P. Anushia, Swee Han Lim, Benjamin Sieu-Hon Leong, Victor Yeok Kein Ong, Ling Tiah, Susan Yap, Jerry Overton, and V. Anantharaman. "An observational study describing the geographic-time distribution of cardiac arrests in Singapore: What is the utility of geographic information systems for planning public access defibrillation? (PADS Phase I)." Resuscitation 76, no. 3 (2008): 388-96. …show more content…

It also helps visualize and tie to another article as to how hospitals are set up throughout the city village and or land. Without central place theory I think we would all be a mess because of the way things will be accordingly placed. Just think back in the early days where everyone started in one place and developed overtime and today there are still places all over the world that are not as settled following the regulations of the geographical