Example Of Collectivism In Anthem

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A major idea presented about the society in Ayn Rand’s Anthem is “we are all in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever” (19). The collectivist society presented in the novella suppresses and outlaws any who consider themselves individuals. As these suppressions grow in the future, they eventually evolve into a dark age. In Anthem, society’s control is used to represent collectivism. The rulers of this society adhere to certain beliefs to keep their perspective of collectivism strong. As a result, individualism has no value in the collectivist society. One of the most obvious characteristics of Anthem is its language, mainly the lack of the word I. Characters address themselves applying the plural …show more content…

The reader sees this when Equality presents his innovation to the Council. This example not only shows how the leaders prohibit the members of the society to have opinions and expressions, but it also depicts how the leaders forbid the citizens to have the right to progress and invent something for themselves. Another example is "And they answered: Since the Council does not know of this hole, there can be no law permitting to enter it. And everything which is not permitted by law is forbidden."(44) International 4-8818 is stating that every action has to be sanctioned by society. There's no room for individual free choice at all. This quote shows how the leaders in Anthem’s society were willing to take away people’s individuality to satisfy their need for power. The leaders of this society deny the citizens of their own self-will and restrain them from individuality. As a further means toward the destruction of singularity, the state has banned companionship and sentimental …show more content…

The ideas I hear and experience today come from individualism. The ideas of collectivism and the ideas of what I hear around today are not that alike. In fact, they are quite different. The idea of collectivism focuses on the thought that the individual’s life exists not for him but rather for the group or society of which he is solely a section of, that he has no entitlements, and that he should give up his qualities and objectives for the gathering's greater good. According to collectivism, the gathering or society is the fundamental component of virtuous concern. However, the idea of individualism is that the individual’s life exists for him and that he has an unavoidable entitlement to live it as he wishes. A person’s independent life means to follow up on his own judgment, to keep and utilize the result of his exertion, and to chase after the estimations of his choosing. Individualism is the thought that the free spirit is sovereign, an end in himself, and the principal component of righteous concern. This is the ideal that our society upholds till today. Our society made a nation in which the individual’s rights to life, freedom, property, and the pursuit of happiness are perceived and