
Example Of Immaturity Research Paper

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Halloween is tomorrow and you and I have been close friends for two years now and we should be going to Cedar Point together on Sunday to have fun and get one last visit in before the park shuts down. But instead you and I are here, hardly talking to each other and on the verge of having our friendship totally collapse over a lousy $500 and a 12-day wait. Don’t get me wrong, $500 is a lot of money but at least in my opinion it’s not much compared to the price of having a genuine friend. However, You have treated me like total and utter shit over the past two weeks and I am talking about far before I ever turned off your phone because I said to you that I needed you to wait before I could spend a lot of money on getting the Jeep fixed. I am honestly pretty convinced that you knew that I had told you no, that I couldn’t do it now and you went …show more content…

Again a great example of you withholding your friendship until I give you what you want because you for some reason think I am holding out on you just to be mean. Now let’s talk about immaturity. Not much really needs to be said here because the past three weeks have been a great example of immaturity. In summary, Kelli wanted something and she wanted it now! John said no you have to wait. Now we are here. Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me! You talk a great deal about accountability, and holding me accountable for my actions so this is me holding you accountable for yours! We wouldn’t be here now if you had acted mature and appreciated everything that I have done for you and had been grateful for all the things I have done for you already! The things I do for you, the money I give you and services I pay for that you utilize are NOT my responsibility or my obligation. They are a gift that I choose to give you and they come with my friendship! They are all a choice and I have chosen to give them to you because I care about you but you are not entitled to

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