Example Of Reinvention Essay

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Reinvention Essay Rough Draft
When going through the process of reinventing one’s self, there is always a reason behind the decision to transform and revive themselves. Seldom do we change without being inspired or motivated to reinvent . By staying firm in what you believe is right and not conforming to society, you can motivate yourself towards the best person you can be through the process of reinvention. As people make choices everyday, they are constantly reinventing themselves. However, it is the judgements that are made as an individual that move you forward or backward. Also, your values and morals are the foundation of your decisions, but who you surround yourself with and in addition, society can also influence the outcomes and the type of person you wish to be. As values and morals influence your choices, family can also help guide your decisions in a positive way, or your family can be a roadblock and struggle to model good decisions. As well as being the example for your values and decisions, your family gives you expectations to live up to. Although some expectations may be set higher than others, there are …show more content…

Some choices move you forward, some move you backward, but you get to decide what type of impact they make. Through reinvention, it is important to learn how to make choices for yourself and not based off of what society would lead you to believe is proper. When people conform to society, they lose a part of them that truly allows them to be their self, instead they are “being the world.” By going through reinvention, you can motivate yourself to become the best you can be and make choices that are going to have a positive impact. Guiding your reinvention by your morals and values will also lead to positive outcomes, because they motivate us to be better people and establish our integrity which is a large factor in the type of person we become through