Conformity In Society

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It is very natural and intrinsic quality of human beings to live in social groups. They are important to us as we cannot afford to live by ourselves for the rest of our lives. Ultimately, we are all a part of numerous social groups as well as a part of a larger society. Besides that, these groups also tend to have an influential way in modifying and controlling our way of acting, behaving and thinking. During decision making in a group, we generally tend to either go with or go against the decisions made by the majority of the group members. It is imperative for a person to choose whether he/she wishes to go by or against the group’s decision. The person in such a situation faces two or more usable options, or alternative courses of action. …show more content…

It is generally, but not always, good for the group. For example, a good conformist in a group that wishes its members to be honest is someone who truly believes in honesty and all for which it stands. This person is honest in all situations, not just to please the group. Experimenters have made similar distinctions between good and bad forms of deviant behaviour. Why should people conform anyway? Conformity takes place when members of a group select the course of action which the majority favours. For example, a certain group may have a norm that has a prerequisite of group consensus before it can adopt any other course of action. Consensus doesn’t mean that each and every member of the group really has a liking towards the proposal; it simply implies that all of them feel they can live with the proposal without any issues. Every group member has to eventually conform to some decision, otherwise the group remains …show more content…

To be accepted by the other members of the same group. 2. To fulfil personal goals by gaining a membership into the group 3. To feel a part of being something important and also have fun by participating in the group activities Any of the above reasons can lead people to conform within a group. There is another motivational reason that could possibly lead to conformity. People may conform to a decision they do not believe in because the group is able to persuade or pressure them into doing so. Most of the theories in sociology talk about the society being based on “order”. Similarly, here also we see that a group seeks a type of order in its dynamics. Thus conformity explains why the majority of people, keeping aside their individual views and opinions, decide to go by what the majority of their group says. Confusing the concept of carrying forward one’s opinions in the group’s decision making and at the same time abiding by the group’s norms gives rise to conformity. Here it makes complete sense to talk about the idea of “good” conformity where people privately accept their group 's beliefs. But at times, when people end up voicing out what their group wants them to say then it is certainly termed as “bad”