
Examples Of Allusions In Two Kinds By Shirley Temple And Peter Pan

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In the short story “Two Kinds” there are several allusions. Two of the allusions are Shirley Temple and Peter Pan. Shirley Temple is an example, because she is a prodigy. Peter Pan is always a happy child and Jing Mei wants to retain her child hood. Jing Mei’s mom wants her to be a prodigy and thats why the allusion of Shirley Temple and Peter Pan are in this short story . The first example of an allusion is Jing Mei’s mom trying to compare her to Shirley Temple. Jing Mei’s mom cuts her hair like Shirley Temple’s. Her mom gets her singing and dancing lessons to get Jing Mei to be like Shirley Temple. Jing Mei said “At first my mother thought I could be a Chinese Shirley Temple.” Jing Mei is pushed to greatness by her mother. Jing Mei’s
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