
Examples Of Ambition In Julius Caesar

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Power and ambition are both impactful themes that have shaped the course of certain individuals and societies throughout history. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Julius Caesar’ (1599), Mark Antony emerges as a character with a unique insight on ambition and power. The prescribed extract contains Antony's claim that the most “honourable Roman was the one who operated with integrity and a dedication to the common good. The quote underscores the significance of noble intentions in wielding power, suggesting that true nobility lies in using power for the benefit of all rather than pursuing personal gain or acting out of envy. Thus, the provided extract provides Mark Antony’s distinct perspective of power and ambitions, increasing the audience's …show more content…

The aftermath of Caesar’s death results in the downfall of Rome, with individuals yearning for Caesars power. Mark Antony’s speech, “..O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, / That I am meek and gentle with these butchers..”, he metaphorically refers to Caesar’s dead body underneath him as a bleeding piece of earth, highlighting the brutality and immorality of the assassination, referring to the conspirators as butchers fighting each other for a piece of meat or land driven by their ambition for Caesar’s power, attempting to exploit the murder for their own personal gain. Mark Antony exclaims “Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war”,conveying his true emotions of anger, emphasising the catastrophic consequences of ambition and its ability to cause suffering. Mark Antony then presents his speech at Caesars funeral, in which he says; “The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones”, reflecting upon Caesars legacy and perceptions of his deeds. The antithesis used in this quote allows for the juxtaposition of the evil actions and good actions performed by him, highlighting the lasting negative impact of ambition and the often overlooked positive aspects in the pursuit of power. Thus, the chaos and corruption resulting from the unethical desire for power and ambition underline the significance of moral aspects and the negative effects of unchecked

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