Examples Of Ana Code Of Ethics In Nursing

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Ethics guide nurses in making better decisions when providing care for patients. It is vital for nurses to follow the code of ethics while implementing daily nursing care. According to Catalano, ethics are “declarations of what is right or wrong and of what ought to be” (Catalano, 2009). Ethics guide human behaviors and help protect basic human rights. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of ethics governs nursing decisions in every day clinical practice. Registered nurses (RNs) have the ethical obligation to incorporate the ANA Code of Ethics in daily decisions concerning patient care. Some of the principle of ethics includes nonmaleficence, beneficence, and autonomy (Catalano, 2009). I stand to prove that Registered nurses should not allow patient death by honoring wishes for providing euthanasia measures. Nonmaleficence is that” health care professionals are to do no harm to their patients, either intentionally or unintentionally”. Also, health care providers are required to protect from harm for those who cannot protect themselves. Therefore, Registered nurses should not engage in any act that will harm the patient …show more content…

“Good care requires that the health-care provider take a holistic approach to the client including the client’s beliefs, feelings, and wishes, as well as those of the family and significant others.” The nurse cannot determine what exactly is good for the patient and neither can the patient make the decision about what is “good” for them. Therefore, I believe that assisting a patient to take his or her own life is not the “good” care this principle of ethics implies. In spite of whatever the patient is experiencing or undergoing, death is what health care providers are there to prevent. Registered Nurses are trained to ensure patient safety at all times, hence assisting a patient with a suicide will cause injury to the patient