Reflection Of Ethical Dilemmas In Nursing

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This assignment is a reflection of ethical dilemmas in nursing practice as a registered nurse; this paper is based on the group assignment which was completed for NURS3004. This reflection will include an explanation of the role that I portrayed in the group, the preparation that I did for the role, what could have been done differently, how this group assignment has impacted me in terms of working in a team and finally explain how this assignment will assist me in my future clinical practice as a newly registered nurse. The role that I played in the group was a patient who has a mental health disorder and I didn’t want his mother to know about the illness, as a front it seemed as though we had a close relationship. When my mother leaves the room I asked the nurse to keep my illness confidential as she does not really understand it. As a group we all decided that it is best for the patient’s notes to be filed in the nurse’s station due to issues surrounding confidentiality and privacy. As a group we chose to show a clinical scenario which started off with a role play and ended with a debrief discussion which also incorporated the Australian nursing and midwifery code of ethics (2008) and the competency standards for registered nurses which explained where an ethical breach had been made. …show more content…

We then had a brainstorming session for the ideas that we wanted to include in the scenario. Individually we all understood the ethical dilemma that had been breached and agreed that the notes should be kept in the nurse’s station to prevent this breach occurring in the future. The end phase of the preparation was then to do a run through with improvisation to see how our ideas correlated with our