How Pride and Anger Takes Over
Mahatma Gandhi once said,” Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up. In the play Antigone, Antigone’s anger causes her to lose the person who that closest to her. Her pride causes her to follow the law of the gods and got her sent her to her death because she disobeys Creon’s law by burying Polyneices. Creon’s pride causes him to try to prove a point to any other country to not try to mess with Thebes because he did not allow any of the bodies of the enemy soldiers to not be buried. Which made the gods angry and causes Creon to lose everyone who was close to him. His anger causes him to send the girl he raised to death because she disobeys him. Sophocles used irony to prove
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He kept saying,”Man” because someone buries Polyneices and he kept telling the Sentry to bring him the man who was responsible. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the characters do not. This is an example of dramatic irony because Creon believes a man did this but the audience really knows that Antigone did it and she is a woman. His pride causes him to get angry and insulting because he believes that only a man could betray him, but it was the girl that he raised that was betraying him, so he got angry and sent her to her death. He also showed his belittle and offensiveness when he said,” If we must lose, let’s lose to a man” (Scene 3 lines 50-51). He was belittling because he is saying that when a man dies, to only die in battle or by another man and that dying to a woman is a shame. He was being offensive because he is saying that killing yourself is a shame, and killing yourself for a woman is even more shameful. This is an example of verbal irony because Creon did not mean dying in war is the only way to die, he was just meaning to not kill yourself over a girl. Sophocles included this in the play to show people that pride caused Creon to make the wrong decision by not following the laws of the gods and his anger caused him to send Antigone to her …show more content…
Ismene said that she did not want to help Antigone bury Polyneices and that made Antigone angry. So Antigone said that she did not want Ismene to go, but she really wanted Ismene to go and help her. She was harsh because she abandons her own sister because her sister did not do what she wanted her to do, and she says that she does not want her to go even if she asked. Antigone was rude and helpless when she said, “Leave me my foolish plan” (Scene 1 line 86). She was rude because she abandons Ismene, she was helpless because Ismene was the only person with that would help her, and Ismene said no. Everyone else would've said the same thing Ismene said because they do not want to get in trouble, even if it is the right thing to do. Both of these quotes are examples of verbal irony because in both of the quotes, Antigone meant the opposite of what she said. In both of them, she is telling Ismene that she does not want her to help, but she really wants and needs Ismene to help her. Sophocles included this to show that Antigone’s pride and anger causes her to get caught because she abandoned the person she needed to help her, and her pride causes her to disobey Creon, which got her