Examples Of Antisemitism In Frankenstein

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Throughout history there have been many instances of antisemitism. It is an ongoing issue that Jews still face today, arguably the Jews during World War 2 have suffered from the issue the most. They endured both physical and emotional abuse during this time. In Frankenstein the creature is treated in a similar way as he too suffers from these types of abuse. The Jews during World War II and the creature both suffered from physical abuse and emotional abuse,however they are different in the ways they both reacted to the abuse. With the Jews running away to counter the Nazi’s attacks, hiding from the Nazi’s and the creature running away from his shooter and hiding then going after revenge on the DeLacey family.

During World War II the Jews …show more content…

When the Jews were captured by the Nazis they are either put directly into a gas chamber where they either die in seconds or they are taken to a concentration camp to be tortured and put in slavery all day. In the concentration camps the Jews suffered from malnutrition. The Jews consumed less than 800 calories a day and over a period of time with little to no medical attention this caused them to die (Wittenberg).They even have to dig mass graves for themselves and others where they will ultimately be killed and buried(“Introduction to the Holocaust). This kind of physical abuse the Jews have to deal with should not be something others have to go through. The creature is also affected by physical abuse. He is on the way to Geneva and sees a little girl in the woods who is drowning, so the creature decides to rescue her. The creature details the event saying, “When the man saw me draw near, he aimed a gun, which he carried, at my body and fired. I sank to the ground, and my injurer, with increased swiftness, escaped into the wood” (Shelley 151). The creature is shot by a man and is in serious pain as he drops to the ground after being hit.The creature also suffers from physical abuse because of his looks when Felix jumps …show more content…

The response from the Jews from the emotional abuse was to go into hiding and be fearful from society. Most Jews suffered from PTSD after World War 2. Also most Jews reacted to the war by suffering from being outlawed, discrimination, defamation, total absence of rights, loss of individuality, life-threatening ewer a long period of time, torture, physical hardships, ill health, being uprooted, few or no survivors in the family and elsewhere, lack of graves for victims, and the realization at the end of WWII that language, culture, and home are lost forever (Barak et.al). The main thing is that they responded by feeling isolated more from society than ever before and were suffering internally from the Nazi abuse. Because of the Nazi’s burning their houses and taking over their feeling as a human being, they did not even feel safe in their own home and were fearful of dangers society showcased. The creature suffers from emotional abuse however, his response is different from the Jews. The creature is not scared and does not go into hiding like the Jews. Similar to what is seen when he gets revenge on the De Lacey family, the creature responds with anger and vengeance for the situation. After William causes emotional abuse on the creature, he responds with anger and kills William. This moment is described by the creature in Chapter 16 when it says “I