
Examples Of Authority In Raw

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Good morning/afternoon Ms Kordakis and Fellow classmates. Today i have been asked to discuss how power and authority is portrayed within the novel “Raw” by the composer Scott Monk and the film “V for Vendetta” directed by James McTeigue. Firstly in reference to the oxford dictionary the concept power is defined as “the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way” and authority is defined as “The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience”.
The concept Authority is clearly demonstrated in the novel “Raw” as it conveys certain issues such as Protests and compliance. The author Monk uses certain characters to portray the notion of authority through the use of authority figures such as Mr Douglas, …show more content…

The key issue “protest” can be signified more through the protagonist Brett’s negative communication with authority figures such as Sam and the Police. Brett has a negative attitude in relation to authority figures as he doesn’t want to obey by laws set by authority figures which have been put in place and cannot be changed. This is evident as Monk use colloquialism in his writing styles to represent Brett’s emotions and negative attitude as he labels authority figures as “Pigs” in relation to police. The notion Authority is also portrayed as Brett has no personal choice of being sent to the farm he is forced this symbolizes Brett is a powerless character in comparison to authority figures and must …show more content…

When people try to gain power and use negative words in relation to the authority figure the government. The government uses well liked figures by citizens in order to manipulate people’s minds however when “V” comes along he instils citizens with their true power and he gets the citizens their power back this is evident by the character “Evey” for example at the beginning of the movie Evey obeyed the governments laws and didn’t question them then when she meet “V” she slowly gained power by breaking the laws and providing assistance to “V”. V instils the concept of fear in the government through his power and the government slowly loses control to its citizens and the government slowly falls apart. This is evident as the citizens all stand by each other wearing a guy forks mask on the 5th of November and walk towards the Parliament house where “V” blows up the Parliament house and himself as he wishes to remove all the negative ways the government had power of and controlled. He done this by killing the people that resulted in negative perceptions he did this by killing them and he concluded this by killing authority

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