Wendy Peterson, Vice - President of sales for Account/back’s Plano, Texas Office had concerns with one of her employees, Fred Wu. Fred Wu has landed one client within the Chinese market, the single largest client of the downtown office. However, there were disagreements between Peterson and Wu on several aspects. Moreover, Fed Wu requested for a personal assistant, which Peterson thought to be unreasonable. This is because only a small number of AccountBack’s most successful sales executive with numerous accounts had assistants of their own. This lead to dissatisfaction of Fred Wu, who decided to leave the organisation. Now, it is left to Peterson whether to cave into Wu’s demands or to fire him or to find an alternative solutions
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They developed a back-office accounting software product. They believed that flat organisational structure, collegial culture would strengthen employee morale and also heighten company performance. With 25% of client renewal rate and most of the clients retained services for at least 4 years, the firm earned good revenues. It had about $100 million in revenues and 400+ employees in its regional offices. The founders retired and the new CEO looked for young sales directors. One of the promoted employees was Wendy Peterson.
AccountBack Sales Organisation:
Sales executives invested time in knowing their clients and their businesses. AccountBack service team handled the responsibility for the implementation of the product and the services to be delivered. If target revenues were exceeded, then escalating incentives were offered to the sales executives. The compensation levels varied across the sales managers as their experiences.
Wendy Peterson:
Wendy Peterson, joined AccountBack after her graduation. She excelled as a junior manager. She had a shift form managing clients to sales as this seemed to be much challenging than the former. She believed herself to be a “Doer”. She began a volunteer mentoring program between junior and senior sales professionals, which enabled juniors to gain management
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(ii) Power and Conflict:
The capacity the one person has the influence over the other persons such that other persons act in accordance with his/her wishes can be defined as ‘Power’. Conflicts could be both positive and negative. Good conflicts could be encouraged but bad conflicts ought to be prevented.
Low cooperation between Peterson and Wu increases the competition and the conflict of Power. Peterson and Wu ought to forgo their misconceptions and understand each other’s intentions before selecting a strategy to resolve their conflict. They must collaborate to achieve common goal.
(iii) Communication:
There were communication issues between Peterson and Wu. These may be due to cross-cultural communication, different communication styles and norms. Peterson believed in wide communication systems between her and her colleagues. She did not want to have any misconceptions or last minute issues owing to lack of communication.
Wu communicated only when he felt the need for and never hesitated to transfer knowledge to new employees. Also, he restricted himself to discuss only official matters in office refraining from other kind of