Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment 1 Content Response

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Content Response 1 For centuries, power has been a way of establishing hierarchy and social pyramids that have helped us create the society we live in today. However, we have become more aware of the constant influence that power has in human lives thanks to the perspective of critical theory, which has showed us that power is something that constitutes all of human interactions and relationships. Michel Foucault defines power as a behavior or process that permeates all human interaction (Allen, 2011). He states that power resides in every human encounter for the purpose of transforming structures of communication and meaning. Power is not limited to only a person in a power position, but it is present in any reciprocal relationship. He believes that power can have both …show more content…

Since P.K teachers have presented themselves as wise respected figures. Ideology that has been printed into students maintaining the hegemony and power dynamics between teachers and students among the globe. However, as an art college student we've come to realize that it's okay to sometimes resist this professor-student hegemony in order to be able to follow our own beliefs and expectations. We are able to express ourselves through our art, even though this sometimes might mean to show resistance towards a specific assignment by either going against it or approach it in an unexpected way. Language helps spread and reinforce ideologies and hegemony among humans by a segregation of dominant and non-dominant groups. It is the powerful groups or individuals that usually control language. What I mean by this, is that dominant individuals expect less dominant individuals to adjust to their own language. This does not only happen between organizations but on the everyday talk in which we express our experiences by discursive

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