
Examples Of Banneker's Irony Of American Freedom

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Slaves have historically experienced ongoing exclusion from society due to their race. Banneker, in particular, was quite upset about this matter for justifiable reasons, therefore he made the decision to speak up and did so. Although Bannker lacks credibility as a former slave, he uses past events to display the irony of American freedom to convince Jefferson to outlaw American slavery.

Banneker attempts to portray the irony in American freedom by reminding Jefferson of previous American events. “recall to your mind that time in which the arms and tyranny of the British Crown were exerted with every powerful effort in order to reduce you to a State of Servitude.” Banneker is referencing the times of America when it once fought against oppression …show more content…

“the injustice of a state of slavery and in which you had just apprehensions of the horrors of its condition, it was now, sir, that your abhorrence thereof was so excited.” Banneker is now using Jeffersons' own previous thoughts and words against him in order to persuade him to abolish slavery since Jefferson had previously thought the idea of a “state of slavery” was an idea that would reflect “horrors” towards a country. However, now, Jefferson contradicts himself by going against that idea but then proceeds to exclaim the following words when he writes in the declaration of Independence. “all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Banneker pulls out one of the most famous quotes in American history in order to portray a clear irony within America's general view of freedom. Since Jefferson had previously thought slavery was an act of “horrors,” but then he didn't put an end to it, but then he wrote in the most important document in American history that “all men” are “equal” but didn't go through with the act of abolish slavery is hypocrisy at its finest. The fact Jefferson wrote that men have “certain unalienable rights” but bluntly ignores the fact that an entire race of men's “unalienable rights” are being taken away is a clear and fantastic use of irony by Banneker to exclaim his point of freedom not being equal within American society. In conclusion, Banneker particularly criticizes Jefferson's earlier opinions in an effort to convince him to prohibit American slavery by stressing the contradiction of American

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