Examples Of Charlie In The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

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“We are who we are because of our relationships to others.” This quote applies to multiple characters in “The Perks Of Being a Wallflower.” In the movie Charlie gradually changes from his view of himself as an observer to someone who belongs and is loved. Charlie is beginning high school after a rough year in middle school. His hopes are that he’ll make friends and find somewhere he belongs. However, with every person he is rejected by his confidence drops lower and lower until he accepts the fact that he’s just an observer and not actually apart of anything. This causes Charlie’s social anxiety to worsen. Charlie is perceived as shy and cannot muster the courage to answer questions in class. His English teacher, Mr. Anderson is seen as a model figure for Charlie and …show more content…

Sam and Patrick welcome him and he starts to have fun. That same night, Patrick, makes a toast to Charlie. When questioned why, he told Charlie that he just wanted to make a toast to their new friend. Charlie then becomes embarrassed and says “I didn’t think anyone noticed me” Charlie then begins to believe he’s found a group where he belongs. Despite feeling he’s found where he belongs Charlie still fears his new friends will leave him. With this mindset, Charlie begins to put the comfort and well-being of others before his own. As the movie progresses, Charlie becomes involved with Mary-Elizabeth and despite being unhappy in the relationship he refuses to break up with her for fear of hurting her. Growing up Charlie didn’t have many friends and therefore never really learned about what’s socially acceptable. Consequently this leads to Charlie breaking up with Mary-Elizabeth while also driving a wedge between him and his new found friends. Charlie’s relationship with his Aunt Helen is also a key factor in why he is the way he is. Charlie’s aunt Helen was referred to as Charlie’s “Favourite person in the whole