Examples Of Classism In Dune And Time Machine

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It is often assumed that in this contemporary society issues pertaining to race have been kept to a minimum, but the true reality is that racism is present in current day America now more than ever. In the novels, The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and Dune by Frank Herbert, there are underlying tones of classism, parochial thinking, and ignorance which lead to the common themes of racism and division within societies, which directly draws parallels to modern American behaviors. Authors Wells and Herbert emphasize the negative human conditions through their characters within their society, stressing the notion that the current common human behavior will ultimately lead to a bigger divide amongst races and will further create a dystopian lifestyle where humanity and the environment will cease to exist. Classism is a prominent theme throughout the novels Dune and Time Machine, it is evident that through people’s preconceived notions about certain races, they stereotype minority groups to be associated with working class, which reflects on how classism and racism are heavily linked together. In the Time Machine, it is apparent that the Eloi represent upper class and the Morlocks represent the working class, these two classes of people are heavily characterized by their looks. The Time Traveler describes the Elois to be “very beautiful and graceful creature[s]” emphasizing how their flushed faces reminded him “of the more beautiful kind of consumptive,” thus making the Elois