
Examples Of Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird

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People who feel bad for others are said to be compassionate. Within Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, during the court case against Tom Robinson; Scout, the main character in the book and the daughter of Atticus, the defense attorney of Tom Robinson, feels bad for Mayella because she realizes that she has no friends and has no respect among her family. Mayella because she thinks Attucus is mocking her as she is not used to being treated so politely. There is compassion for Mayella in Scout. Mayella is worthy of compassion because she has no respect at her house from her dad Robert Ewell, additionally she is left alone to take care of her siblings and has no friends., “it came to me that Mayella Ewell must have been the loneliest person in the world. She was even lonelier than Boo Radley.”(Lee 218) Scout is showing that she has compassion for Mayella. She still finds compassion for Mayella even though she knows what Mayella is doing is wrong since she is even lonelier than Boo Radley, who they know is the lone man in town. Showing Scout has …show more content…

She accused Tom Robinson of rape to cover up for her dad who beat her up. Because Mayella is white, most of the whites agree with what she is saying and that she is telling the truth, on the other hand, the blacks do not agree with Mayella and they agree with Tom. “It is difficult to be compassionate in the midst of suffering.” (Six Habits) Scout wants to feel compassion for Mayella, but she is endangering a man's life by accusing him of a terrible crime he did not commit. Because of the shape of the marks on Mayella’s neck, it suggests that she was choked with a left hand, and her dad is a lefty while Tom has a small left hand from an injury while picking cotton. With this evidence that is provided, it shows that Mayella is covering for her father to not dishonor the family; therefore, she is not worthy of

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