
Examples Of Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Love and compassion are necessities; humanity can not survive without them. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Mayella Ewell is a 19-year-old female who falsely claims she has been raped by a black man, Tom Robinson. But in turn, she possibly had been abused by her father. Mayella is often judged and receives no compassion from the individuals around her. During Tom Robinson’s trial, Mayella gets a lot of negative attention and deserves to feel some compassion. Mayella wants someone to feel compassion for her, to make her feel not alone and isolated all the time. Compassionate people want to be “compelled to do something to help or relieve the suffering they [people] are confronted with” (Yugay). Mayella had never received this type of
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