Examples Of Conflict In Flowers For Algernon

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Flowers For Algernon Person Vs Society. Our day to day lives force us to interact with people everyday, as a result, people must interact with those with less intelligence. Throughout the book people look at Charlie differently because he has a lower intelligence. Later in the book, as he is getting smarter, people start looking at him like he’s a human being and not some type of alien. This is because Charlie gets a special operation that makes him smarter and smarter each day. But as Charlie is getting smarter, people start to not be able to understand him, and again, they look at him differently than they would normally. One of the main conflicts in Flowers For Algernon is person vs society. The author uses this conflict to show how the people in the story react to those with lower intelligence. …show more content…

For example, when Ernie said “For godsake, what are you trying to pull a Charlie Gordon”. This shows just how differently people look at Charlie. When Ernie said that, Charlie didn 't even know what it meant. Keyes shows this person vs society conflict by introducing irony to the passage, the irony showed when Charlie took it literally and said “ I never lost any packiges”. Throughout the book, Charlie 's friends make fun of him. This time, they brought him to a party and got him highly intoxicated. For example, when charlie said “Joe Carp said I should show the girls how I mop the toilet at the factory.”, in this passage, Joe was making fun of Charlie. Joe knew Charlie wouldn 't understand what he was doing, Because, Charlie was both intoxicated and is already normally not smart. The key aspect discussed is how Joe takes advantage of Charlie because he is not as smart as he is. This shows the person vs society