Examples Of Daisy Buchanan In The Great Gatsby

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Does money buy happiness?Daisy Buchanan for example believes affluency equals happiness. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald, the story follows a group of socialites and their interactions with the trials and tribulations of life. Through Daisy Buchanan thirst for wealth, she sacrifices her happiness. Daisy surrendered the tenderness of love and bliss when she decided to wed Tom Buchanan. She was first in love with Jay Gatsby “ They were so engrossed with each other… the officer looked at Daisy …. In a way that every young girls wants to be looked at… it seemed so romantic” (4.74-75). Now in the quote, it depicts an intense love. “In a way every young girls want to be looked at” this describes a love that Daisy wanted. In …show more content…

Sadly, society had a tight hold “By next autumn she was gay again...In June she married Tom Buchanan of Chicago with more pomp and circumstance than Louisville ever knew before... he gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.(4.75)” Daisy was devastated by Gatsby departure, “ She was gay again” . Fitzgerald insinuates that the love between them was so immense that when Gatsby left, she had no more pleasure in finding love. Yet she found Tom, who is only characterized by his money. As if it is the most important aspect of him and the only thing that Daisy cares about. With Tom, she had reached the ultimate level of social hierarchy. But Tom was still not the one“Take ‘em … to whoever they belong to...Daisy’s changed her mine ..She wouldn’t let go of the letter...half an hour later.. The pearls were around her neck...she married Tom Buchanan (4.75)” Daisy had received a letter from h Gatsby, that was enough to halt plans of marrying Tom. Fitzgerald characterized Daisy as an opportunist,so throwing away valuable pearls was an act of rebellion against the social …show more content…

For example, “It'll show you how I've gotten to feel about – things. Well, she was less than an hour old and Tom was God knows where. I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling,(1.17)”. Daisy knew that she was not happy. The child would not make her happy because children were not so much as lovable offsprings as they were accessories Daisy’s society . The author is inferring that Tom was cheating on her because, that is who he is. He cheated on her on their honeymoon, during his child’s birth and multiple times before.She must have a low level of love for herself to let Tom trample over their vows and let society dictate what she must do in life. All she can do is reassure herself that the heartbreak in her unhappy marriage is worth it because she is wealthy. She did what she is supposed to do. Society has instilled in her that money, wealth and power are the values most important in life, this is what life should