Examples Of Daisy's Purpose In The Great Gatsby

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Chase Odom Mr.West 10H English 7 March 2023 Great Gatsby Essay Life is truly an astonishing thing. Everyone has a purpose or motive that makes their life meaningful. But for some who went through hardships and achieved success, they are still not complete without it. Dawkins makes a point where the goal does not have to be materialistic but rather “somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point”, and he is true in a sense by this applying to the character Gatsby. In the Great Gatsby, Daisy is Gatsby’s sole purpose in life and gives his life meaning shown through Gatsby’s determination and lack of happiness without her. To start, Daisy is Gatsby’s motivation in life. Gatsby is having a party that Daisy and her husband, …show more content…

Daisy soon leaves Tom’s side and joins Gastsby’s, and together they would dance, then they sat and chatted with each other on Nick’s steps. When Daisy leaves for the night and Garsby realizes that she did not have a good time at the party, exaggerated to Nick that “she used to be able to understand '' (Fitzgerald 85). Later in the conversation, he tells Nick in determination that he was going to fix everything with Daisy the way it was before (Fitzgerald 85). Gatsby is uneasy and panicked at the fact that Daisy did not enjoy the party. He is frustrated that he cannot figure out Daisy and that their relationship is not the same as it used to be. His lack of happiness is demonstrated here since he has to revert back to the past to cope with this misfeeling. Gatsby wishes that he and Daisy could go back to five years ago when they were passionate, young, and happy together. But they are different people now and times have changed. Also, have an awkward or nervous tension between them. Both are holding back given the present situation they are in now, so it is more challenging for them to feel those early emotions again. …show more content…

Gatsby was a poor officer with no comfortable family to stand behind him. He met Daisy and kept seeing her several times at her house. WIth each visit he was falling in love deeper and deeper, but when the war came around Gatsby had to leave her behind. As a result, Daisy started to move on and eventually married Tom. He returned back miserably from the news, and he visited the places where they used to have good memories together. In one of these locations, “He stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him” (Fitzgerald 113). Life was going too fast for him and he knew that he had lost the best part of it forever. (Fitzgerald 113). Since Gatbsy was at war for a while, he was not expecting much to change and was not ready to move on. But with Daisy gone now, he is left hopeless. He was determined to come back and clear things up with Daisy, but he was too late. He grasps at practically nothing as if Daisy’s spirit were still alive because he did not want that part of him to be lost. Everything is so different to him now since he has nothing to look forward to anymore. He does not really have anything else in life but Daisy given that he has no loving and supporting figures. Daisy was the best part of his life, and he knew that he would never be able to experience that same pleasure again. She was the only thing in life that gave him