Examples Of Deception In Hamlet

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Michael Rothchild Mrs. Arch AP Literature 9 March 2023 Hamlet and Deception The tragedy of Hamlet by Shakespeare shows that the use of deception loses what it is meant to gain. It is human nature to want to lie and cheat to victory, but true accomplishment is only achieved by being straightforward. Additionally this play shows that when a character listens to their Ego and Superego, it accomplishes more than when they listen to their Id. Throughout the play, many characters attempt to succeed through dirty-handed tactics. King Claudius, the primary antagonist, gains a short reign over Denmark by secretly murdering his brother, the former king and Hamlet’s dad. Hamlet feels cheated out of the throne by his Uncle and decides to take his revenge …show more content…

Hamlet’s plan for removing King Claudius from the throne invovles deceiving everyone, including his love interest Ophelia. By prentednign that he has gone insane in order to make Claudius decide to tell him since it doesn’t matter because he is crazy. Phychoanalitically, this is Hamlet listening to his Id, which is telling him to deceive other characters in order to find out the truth. The most prevalent example of Hamlet’s Superego and Id debating would be his To be, or not to be monologue. In it he debates whether it is worth it to continue acting crazy or if he should give up and just live as the prince of Denmark. He decides to commit to the Id and continue trying to find out the truth through deceit. However his new plan is to put on a play of his fathers death in front fo Caludius to gauge his reaciton and use it as evidence that Claudius stole the throne. Hamlet did not have many options as he cannot directly oppose the king, but other than just waiting for the right opportunity, he chooses another deceitful plan in which he tricks the King. The Id is still overpowering the Ego and Superego, and the choice by both Claudius and Hamlet to choose deceitful approaches show that it truly is human nature to plan a deceptive strategy of victory. Despite this, Shakespeare shows in the last section of the book where both of them die that giving into this deceptive nature does not work. Hamlet dies shortly after Cluadius and he fails to expose him to people. Furthermore he dies from a duel that was set up becasue his actions when he pretended to be crazy angered Laertes. Through his tragic end, Shakespeare shows one cannot fall into the Id and use decietful tactics to win,it only works against