Pleasure is the feeling of good. Humans find pleasure in many ways, one is success, another is pride, and the list goes on. Disquietude is the emotion of unease or discomfort. People can feel disquietude when learning of or experiencing something unpleasant. World War Two is heavily characterized by pleasure and disquietude. Every victory over the Nazis brought pleasure to allied troops but also disquietude with how victory had been achieved. This sensation translates well into Kurt Vonnegut's work Slaughterhouse Five.
Readers find pleasure in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five with american soldiers giving it their all to do all things good in one of the darkest times in human history. Profound disquietude comes from sources like the the character billy’s first hand account of the American and British fire and explosive bombing of the German city of dresden. Dresden is a city with few to no military assets and no defenses. Strange pleasures and
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Billy himself goes through the pleasures of wealth and marriage while accompanied by the disappointment of marrying a woman who he did not truly love. Inside Billy's mind, he has constructed a fantasy where on the alien planet in the zoo enclosure they were keeping him, the aliens brought in a famous actress from earth. The resulting sexuaal fantasy inside Billies mind no doubt provided dark and adult pleasures while also subconsciously demanded guilt and shame at his state of mind. The war chewed up and spit out a broken shell shocked Billy Pilgrim. While Billy doesn’t seem to care about anything at all around him it just contrasts with the situation making it uneasy to read yet so inticing with Kurt’s creative and new style of