Examples Of Emotions In Huckleberry Finn

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Many emotions and friendships are shown in The Adventures of Huck Finn. Either being good or bad, right or wrong, Huck Finn has developed all these feelings towards his friendship with Jim. In the beginning of the novel Huck (and everyone else) doesn’t think anything of Jim. He is treated as an object or property by Huck, and Huck doesn’t think twice that Jim has feelings.
Tom Sawyer, Huck’s friend came up with the idea of tieing Jim to a tree. Though Huck didn’t want to follow through or mess with him at all. For example “... Tom whispered to [Huck] and wanted to tie Jim to the tree for fun; but [Huck] said no; [Jim] might wake and make a disturbance…” (Twain 8). Instead they took Jim’s hat off and hung it on a tree branch. This incident …show more content…

Huck brought up King Solomon and how some people speak french to talk with him. Jim wasn’t understanding and he has his own theory on language; which is that all people “talk” the same. They argue back and forth about what they think is right and it gets intense after a while. Huck eventually gave up because he couldn’t handle Jim not being able to understand. For instance, Huck said “I see it warn’t no use wasting words-you can’t learn a slave to argue. So I quit” (Twain 95). This was a line that Mark Twain used to demonstrate the idea that Huck believes Jim is incapable of learning and he doesn’t know how to …show more content…

Huck and Jim separated for a short amount of time and Jim fell asleep. When Jim woke up he was asking Huck how is he back because he thought Huck drowned. Huck tells Jim he has been drinking to trick him into thinking it was all a dream. Jim insisted that he saw the islands, the tow-head, and the fog. He claimed his heart was broken when Huck left him and he said he would kiss Huck’s feet because he was so thankful. That made Huck feel so bad that he said he would kiss Jim’s feet. Though, he also said “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a slave- but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither” (Twain 102). There is a noticeably small change in Huck’s views towards Jim. First he said he felt so bad after Jim said he was his best friend and that he broke Jim’s heart. Which shows a little care Huck has for Jim. Though on the other side Huck still said it took him fifteen minutes to humble himself to apologize to a slave. By Huck saying that, it really shows that Huck still feels superior enough to Jim because he has trouble humbling himself up to apologize to a

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