Examples Of Ender A Hero

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In the book “Ender’s Game,” Ender, the book’s protagonist is the hero of the story. Many of the characters in and out of the book and at times even Ender himself had viewed him as a villain. This is due to the fact that Ender on occasion displayed merciless aggression towards others, despite good intentions. Many of the characters in the book felt inferior to Ender because he was constantly getting singled out because of his mental acuity. Ender was a hero because he always acted in self defense, and always did more good than bad. Ender also redeemed himself for his failures. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a hero as; “a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Ender fits the definition of a hero like a shoe, supporting the fact that he is one One reason why Ender is a hero is because he achieved more heroic than villainous acts, and showed courage while doing so. The reason that many are inclined to call Ender a …show more content…

The fact that Ender saved every human being on Earth cannot be under emphasized, in fact it’s simply irrational to think that Ender could be a villain while saving his entire race in the most logical manner. Even Colonel Hyrum Graff (who had been unwilling to show any legitimate praise towards Ender throughout the majority of the book) said [“You’re a hero, Ender. They’ve seen what you did, you and the others. I don’t think there’s a government on Earth that hasn’t voted you their highest medal”](Kindle page 208) It’s possible that the lawyers prosecuting Ender were unaware of the fact that they would be dead if it was not for him, his military intuition was what spared them from the merciless and unforgiving wrath of the buggers. Ender endured conditions that most humans couldn’t handle, at the age of 11 nonetheless. Ender knew that the fate of mankind depended on him, and in the clutch, Ender