In the Ender's Game, humanity has begun to explore outer space and encounters an alien species named the "buggers". After the buggers killed several humans, mistaking them for a non sentient race, the humans promptly retaliate and declare war on the buggers. The protagonist, Ender Wiggins, is the third child in a family full of geniuses. Due to him brutally beating a school bully to death, Ender is ultimately selected by General Graff of the International Fleet to attend Battle School, a school located
What if the human race went to war with aliens in outer space and a kid was the leader? Well in the book Ender’s game, Ender Wiggin did just that and beat the buggers in a battle to save the human race. Ender wiggin is a savior to the whole human race and everyone wants him to lead their armies. In the beginning of Ender’s game, colonel Graff comes to Ender to take him to battle school. When Graff and Ender arrive at battle school, Ender has a rough start as he is picked on and not treated fairly
bullies who get away with their bullying. The adults who fail to protect. The leaders who tell brutal lies. Ender Wiggin, a third, has to suffer all of these to save the human race from the buggers. At the beginning of this science fiction novel, Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card, Ender Wiggin faced a difficult choice. He was bullied by Stilson, a school boy, who pushed Ender. Ender decided that he had no choice except fight back, so he knocked Stilson to the ground. However, Ender realized
Evil in Ender’s game Good and evil often clash in social situations and this grey line is where the author Orson Card bases the behavior of the characters. There are several characters in Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card who embody the author's concept of good and evil. Ender Wiggin, Peter Wiggin, and Valentine Wiggin are three examples of characters who exemplify this idea. Ender Wiggin The protagonist, Ender Wiggin, possesses both admirable and repulsive traits throughout Ender's Game. Ender's intelligence
The book ender's game has a lot of possible themes but the one that is the most truthful is “human nature is to destroy what we don’t know”. As humans when our instinct is to destroy anything that is different from us, we are so scared of anyone else having more power than we will kill anything in our path. The theme in ender's game is human nature is to destroy that which we do not understand and we know that because of what the bible says, the need to kill the buggers and the whole training the
Importance of Violence Violence is more effective and necessary than other actions such as words during a fight against someone. In Ender’s Game, a boy named Ender Wiggin trains for a war in the Battle and Command School and encounters fights where his best option is violence. Violence is necessary because people need violence in order to win, to protect them, and because the lack of violence leads to loss. Violence is useful for winning a fight for example during the fight against Stilson, “Ender
actually be very blunt. Peter is Ender’s older brother who is aggressive along with being a little bipolar. Valentine is younger than Peter but older than Ender. She is caring and tries her hardest to protect Ender from her older brother. 3. Ender knows that he is looked down upon in his society because he is a third and is more intelligent than other children, but he also knows that he an important piece for the government because he lives as a third. Ender’s internal conflicts were deciding whether
Even in the darkest of times, a simple kind gesture, the warmth of a hand, or a word of affirmation can be recognized and understood. Kindness is what makes us human. Examples of this can be seen in Orson Scott Card’s award winning novel, “Ender’s Game,” a narrative of the experiences of Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. Set in the 2190’s, we learn the story of a child given the task of saving humanity from an alien race called the buggers. Ender is taken to become a soldier at battle school, a space station
Ender’s Games Summary In Ender’s Game, earth had previously been attacked by aliens, called buggers, and were going to attack again in the future. The main character is Ender Wiggin, who has a sister named Valentine, and a brother named Peter. He and his sister have a very close relationship, but his brother is crazy and wants to kill him. In the beginning, Ender beat up a bully, and when asked why he said that it was to prevent future problems, which made the colonel decide that Ender was a
Chapter One: “We’re people not Thirds, turd face.” Ender’s classmates treat him like he isn’t even human, like he’s an alien. They see him as a little boy who can’t defend himself, a little boy who wasn’t even supposed to exist because he’s a Third. The bullies feel the need to gang up on him even though he is only a small boy, because the more Ender fears them, the more power they have over him. They want to make him feel absolutely worthless by calling him vulgar names. Ender decides to just ignore
Identity in Ender’s Game Identity is a tricky thing. Some people know who they are and have no trouble with their identity. While with some people it takes them their whole lives to figure it out. In Orson Scott Cards book Ender’s Game you see this come up a lot. From the moment Ender is born people around him had already decided who he is. Throughout the whole book you see Ender have these things put on him. These things make it hard for Ender to find his identity. Through Ender's struggle with
Ender spends his time at command school alone or with Graff, working mostly with the simulator. In this game, Ender starts commanding just a single fighter however, is soon in charge of an entire fleet. After a year Ender finds it easy, and he explains this to Graff. The very next day Ender wakes up to an old man sitting cross-legged on the floor. Mazer Rackham introduces himself to Ender by attacking him and pinning him, explaining to Ender that he will be his teacher because he will also be his
Ender’s Game Outline Thesis Statement: Ender Wiggins is a bad person because he destroys and entire race, cares more about winning than his soldiers’ well-being, and hurts and even kills people. I. Topic sentence: Ender Wiggins is a bad person because he intentionally destroys a whole race. a. Evidence #1: He blows up and entire planet b. Evidence #2: He frequently fantasizes about killing buggers and agrees to go to a school specifically intended to train him to destroy them. c. Analysis: The
Ender's Game is a fictional book where a child can be creative in his own mind, fight evil things and wanna be humans. This book shows a lot of fictional but still very creative thoughts on what a six year old can do in a world full of fighting and wanting a place to be safe. Ender’s game is about a little boy who is six years old trying to have a battle with aliens who have attacked earth and almost destroyed the human species. Enders first name is Andrew. Ender has a monitor that is in the back
An adolescent child-genius named Ender Wiggin is fighting for the human race, to defeat the buggers. Ender Wiggin finds a queen egg and Ender travels in space to find a place for the queen's egg. In the novel Ender’s Game, Ender is a third child. Ender Wiggin is also being sent to Battle school to save the world from the Buggers(aliens). Ender has to leave his family to go to battle school to only save his older sister, Valentine. As Ender is in the battle school, Ender has three missions to save
Books are the ideal way to introduce a reader to the many morals of the human society. In the novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, Ender, is drafted by the international fleet to lead multiple fleets of ships in combat against an alien species, but he does not realize that he was drafted for that purpose. Ender is sent to Battle School, where he becomes a true archetypal leader, and he gains many valuable friends that help him along the way. At a hidden asteroid, Ender begins what he believes
The Hero Cycle brings order to the necessary journey of a hero, whether it may be the many unorthodox versions of a hero. The cycle contains elements that follows a primary figure in Orson Scottcard’s science fiction novel, Ender’s Game, named Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, who is six in the beginning of the novel; he deals with the repercussions of being a third child, a forbidden stigma. When earth is once again threatened by the buggers, an alien species that have previously been defeated by Mazer Rackham
Ender’s Game is a book about Ender (Real name Andrew) Wiggin. Ender is a third (not allowed at the time unless the government allows it.) he went to battle school when he was 6 years old he bounced for army to army until he got his own army the dragon army. When he was too good for battle school he was moved to command school where he and his friends are tricked into killing the buggers. HE never wanted to kill the buggers he wanted to see if the war was a mistake or misunderstanding. He wanted to
Ender’s Game Picture a time, where a kid had the intelligence and will to lead an army in an intergalactic mission to save humanity. That’s what happens in Ender’s Game. The story goes as a boy named Ender Wiggin born in 2189 as a third child in his family. When he was six, Ender then gets taken by the international fleet to battle school where he is trained to face an army of humanoid insects called “buggers.” His achievements in his battles at this school helped him get transferred to command school
Undeniably, the themes in Ender's Game provide a strong insight about how we see ourselves and the world, by presenting intricate topics that interconnect to put our values and beliefs into consideration. "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card is a science fiction favorite that explores various themes, including relationships, manipulation, and competition. These concepts provide us fundamental observations on the society we live in and how people alter the way of life. In the novel, three main themes