Ender’s Games Summary In Ender’s Game, earth had previously been attacked by aliens, called buggers, and were going to attack again in the future. The main character is Ender Wiggin, who has a sister named Valentine, and a brother named Peter. He and his sister have a very close relationship, but his brother is crazy and wants to kill him. In the beginning, Ender beat up a bully, and when asked why he said that it was to prevent future problems, which made the colonel decide that Ender was a good candidate as commander for dealing with the future alien problems. So, the colonel, Hyrum Graff, sends Ender to the Battle School, located in orbit around earth. There him and the other cadets participate in zero- gravity war simulations, which …show more content…
And Valentine decides to publish with him. And eventually their works are recognized by the government, and taken seriously by the government. And back at the Battle School, Ender gets promoted up to command school on a different planet. Here Ender trains in war simulation games, against the bugger race. After multiple preliminary simulations, the simulation become harder and more intense. These battles and the isolation of being at command school, all cause Ender to become more and more depressed. And at this point, multiple of Ender’s friends from Battle School arrive, to serve as sub- commanders, and help Ender with the battle simulations. Finally Ender reaches the final simulation, a battle to destroy the buggers’ queens’ homeworld. During this battle, Ender and the rest of the commanders face overwhelming odds due to how vastly outnumbered they are. Here Ender acts unusually ruthless in the sim, in order to achieve expulsion from command school. Ender sacrificed his entire squad to ensure that the Molecular Detachment Device to destroy the planet and the all remaining bugger forces along with it, making them