Ender Character Analysis

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Most people will take one specific manner towards certain situations. And different approaches work for different situations. In the book Ender’s Game, Ender’s siblings, Peter and Valentine, have two totally different styles of handling certain situations. Orson Scott Card develops these games to show that Ender has a combination of an aggressive style like Peter, but also can have a more sensible approach like Valentine. These traits are revealed when he plays the games The Mind Game became a substantial part of Ender’s life. When he was at “The Giant’s Drink”, he was stuck there. “I hate this game. It isn’t fair. It’s stupid. It’s rotten.” (Card pg 64).Ender gets frustrated that he cannot pick either drink or else he would die, in which, exploited Ender’s first ideal approach. He is more conservative. His frustration does not get to him which makes him think of other options, and very intelligent in how he deals with adversity. After Ender defeats the game by killing the giant, he feels unpleasant: “I’m a murderer even when i play”(Card pg 65). His more “Peter” side comes to his own attention, and it isn’t something highly desired by Ender. The “Giant’s Drink” exhibited Ender’s sensitive and more …show more content…

This game uncovers the big trait that originally caused him to be at battle school and also the trait all of the commanders like majorly about him. “What difference does it make if the serpents killed me in the game, i agreed with them, and was glad.” (Card pg 119). Ender shows a side of his character that he despises, and his worst fear was that he is a killer. And The Mind Game shows Ender exactly what his mentality is. After Peter appears in the mirror, Ender fears more that he is turning into his overly-violent brother. This part of the game shows a visible aspect of Ender that he can get out of situations easily, but he uses a lot of force to do