Examples Of Ethics In Beowulf

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What makes a person or poem moral and ethical? In the epic poem Beowulf, the main character, who name was Beowulf was the perfect example of piety and virtue, which also means morality and ethics. Beowulf was a person who could be trusted and who his people and the danes counted on. On page 48 the poem stated: “That I, alone with the help of my people, may purge all evil from this hall.”( Wiggins 260-261). This quotes lets us know Beowulf could be trusted and that the danes counted on him to kill all evil. Beowulf also was an example of respectfulness. Beowulf was respected the most by Wiglaf. When Beowulf went to fight the dragon all his men except Wiglaf came to his aid. This lets us know that Beowulf was highly respected by Wiglaf. Anglo-Saxons

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