Examples Of Ethos In Julius Caesar

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The conspiracy on whether or not Brutus should have killed Caesar so he does not get crowned king versus if Brutus should decide not to kill Caesar and let him be king. There are very good suggestions pointing in both directions. As some might say Brutus should kill Caesar most would agree. If Caesar is to get crowned king he will have all the power and could be very dangerous. He needs to be killed before he gets king or he will use the power to advance himself. During Julius Caesar they used Ethos, Logos, and Pathos to show the seriousness of Caesar being crowned king. They use Logos to use Antony and Brutus to persuade the audience into voting against Caesar being crowned king. During Brutus’s speech he states that he loved Caesar but loved …show more content…

They think he is jealous of Caesar and just wants to take the king of Rome spot from Caesar. Brutus is trying to look out for Rome so they don't have to worry about Caesar having complete power. Brutus isn't killing Caesar because he's jealous but because he has no emotion. Brutus uses pathos to express the emotions behind trying to kill Caesar and prevent him from being king. Brutus uses ethos to establish himself as a trustworthy and honorable man. However Antony is justifying his words with the credibility of knowing Caesar. Brutus tries to make everyone believe that the gods don't have anything against him. They are using Ethos to show the credibility of the speeches they are giving. Some people would say Brutus is just as bad as Caesar, but Brutus does it for the sake of the people. Some people think that killing Caesar is the best idea but what if Brutus is not the leader we think he is. Therefore Brutus might be saying these things to become king so he could hold all the power over rome. Brutus might be manipulative and persuasive to the audience to convince them to let him be king. Cassius manipulated Brutus into thinking Caesar wasn't fit for being king because Cassius had something against Caesar. So as you can see this could go both