
Examples Of Ethos In Julius Caesar

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In William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Antony’s memorable and powerful speech uses pathos, logos, and verbal irony to influence the citizens to rebel against Brutus and the conspirators. When Antony was giving his speech about Caesar, he claims that “When that the poor have cried, Caesar have wept,”(III, ii, 92). Mark Antony cleverly implies that Caesar was not ambitious as Brutus claims he is. He tries to disprove to the audience that Brutus is not honorable or trustworthy by stating that Caesar wept for the poor and the unfortunate people. Antony influenced the audience to be sympathetic towards Caesar, for he is not an evil man as the conspirators claim he is. His speech persuaded the citizens to distrust Brutus, and view Caesar as a good leader for Rome. Nevertheless, Mark Antony uses pathos to convince the citizens that Caesar is a generous and noble leader. …show more content…

As Antony was continuing to deliver his speech, he brought out Caesar’s body and states “Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabbed, and as he plucked his cursed steel away,”(III, ii,177-178). Although Antony’s claim about seeing Caesar being stabbed is false, the body of Caesar is evidence; that Brutus and the conspirators did murder Caesar. Antony uses Caesar’s body as an example and evidence that the conspirators are cruel and corrupted. As a result, the graphic detail about the stabbing caused an outraged by the people. Antony’s evidence overpowers the effectiveness Brutus’ speech on the people, thus the citizens now believe that Brutus and the Senate are vicious. Therefore, Mark Antony uses logos to provide evidence in his speech to show that the conspirators are

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