Examples Of Failure In The Great Gatsby

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King Saud University

The American Dream Failure in The Great Gatsby

Luma Alahmed

ENG 374: Survey of American Literature

Dr. Sara Alotaibi

29 Jan. 2023

The concept of the American Dream is older than America itself. It dated back to the 1600s when people began to come with all sorts of hopes and aspirations for the new and unexplored continent. The American Dream is an idea that suggests that all people can succeed through hard work and that all people have the capability to live happy successful lives. Moreover, many American writers have adopted this idea in their novels. One of the greatest novels that present the idea of the American Dream is Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald. Great Gatsby was first published in 1925, the novel is about a man named Gatsby who wants to get his love back by being a rich person. Fitzgerald employs important and integral symbols, which makes it a …show more content…

It is an image and a symbol of hope for success and achievement. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby's life on the surface gives a great example of showing the idea of the American Dream. Jay Gatsby breaks down his poor past to be incredibly wealthy, only to be rejected by the "old money" people. After that, he gets killed after being hooked up with them. In the sense of rising social rank and achieving financial success, Gatsby feels that he achieved the American Dream. He lives in a huge mansion of great enormity that sits on forty acres of land. Moreover, He owns a Rolls Royce, dresses well, and hosts weekly luxurious parties at his home. ‘Anything can happen now that we’ve slid over this bridge,’ I thought; ‘anything at all….’(p.69). This quote shows how Gatsby’s ability to achieve seems unlimited to Nick, and the idea that has become related to America and New York as the land of Dreams and opportunity. They felt that they can achieve all their Dreams of success and wealth in