
Examples Of Flat Characters In Romeo And Juliet

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“O’ Romeo, O’ Romeo,” You have probably heard this line before. Did you know it’s from a play called “The Tradies of Romeo and Juliet”? The play “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare is interesting to me when the flat character, Mercutio, dies, also when the protagonist hides their marriage, which created a dramatic irony, one of my favorite scene consists of the monologue that the Friar had.
The play has many fighting scenes in it, but my favorite was when Romeo’s friend Mercutio is killed. Mercutio couldn’t defend himself because Romeo was in his way trying to stop the fight by saying “Draw, Benvolio; beat down their weapons, Gemtlem en, for shame forbear this outrage.” I enjoy this scene because Mercutio was bleeding to death, but didn’t stop joking around. The idea that he is a flat character stands out to the audience in this scene. A flat character is someone who only has one character trait, in this situation the character trait was a joker or clown. …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet got married but, didn’t tell anyone. This secret lead to a fight between Juliet and her father, lord Capulet. Juliet family thought she was a single girl and told her she must marry a young man called Paris. She fought with her parents about marrying Paris but never told them that she was already married. This scene deals with dramatic irony because not all the characters on stage knew the secret. Lord capulet told Juliet, “ I tell thee what-- get thee to church Thursday or never after look me in the face, speak not, reply not, do know answer me!” The quote by Juliet's father means that if Juliet won’t marry Paris she will be disowned by her

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