
Examples Of Foolish Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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Foolish Decisions Everyone does something they immediately regret at least once in their life. People make foolish decisions all of the time, and quickly decide to do something that wasn’t necessarily the best idea. Something as small as answering a text while driving can make the world turn upside down. Immediately after a choice is made something horrible can occur. It's very important to give thought to each decision made. This is the reason that the story of Romeo and Juliet conveys the message, foolish decisions often lead to horrible tragedies; due to the foolish decisions that caused the death of characters throughout the story including Tybalt, Mercutio, and Romeo and Juliet. To begin with, Mercutio decided to invoke Tybalt by fighting against him in the town square. Mercutio decided to do this seeing that Tybalt came to challenge Romeo and he felt obligated to stand up on behalf of his friend. Instead of fighting in defense of Romeo, Mercutio could have used words to stand up for Romeo rather than fighting. By taking time to think about the best way to defend his friend, Mercutio could have prevented the pain that came from his death. …show more content…

In the story, Romeo is aggravated after Tybalt stabs his dear friend Mercutio during there fight. Instead of mourning over the death of his friend, he decides to chase after Tybalt to seek revenge. Tybalt's death is a direct result of the fight that then thereafter occurred. Romeo himself expressed, “It’s time for rage to guide my actions.”(147) In other words, Romeo is letting his current feelings determine his next actions. Romeo could have found a different way to deal with his anger or he could have taken a second to cool down before taking any further steps. This could have prevented yet another

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