
Examples Of Foreshadowing In 1984 By George Orwell

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In the fiction novel 1984, George Orwell, English novelist, wrote about a totalitarian society who must live under the ruling of a powerful figure known as Big Brother. In the novel Orwell uses foreshadowing and symbolism to create conflict. Winston, an Outer Party member in the novel, finds a place above a shop where he believes he is safe from being watched by the Party because there are no telescreens in the room. He rents the room from Mr. Charrington, a member of the thought police but Winston believed he was a porle. Mr. Charrington introduces Winston to a rhyme but can't remember the entire thing. He only remembers the first line, “Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clements,” and the last line, “Here comes a candle to light
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