Examples Of Foreshadowing In And Then There Were None

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In tense moments when everyone is awaiting something to come, like a test grade, a strong sense of suspense can be felt. In the novel, “And Then There Were None” the characters face the feeling of suspense. Ten people were brought over to an island where they would experience something new. However, it didn’t necessarily go as planned. A mysterious killer was on the loose and took the life of each person, one by one. In this story the author Agatha Christie uses symbolism, flashbacks and foreshadowing to support the purpose of building suspense. First, the author uses symbolism to add complications to the plot. On page 242, the text says, “And the dining room window has been smashed-and there are only three little soldier boys left on the …show more content…

For example, on page 87, we can see Vera Claythorne, on of the ten invited people, having a flashback. It brings her back to when she was with the supposed ‘love of her life’, Hugo. They were walking on the beach with Hugo’s niece, Cyril, when he asked to swim out into the ocean. Vera told him that he can’t and that is is too dangerous- but there he was... out at sea. The second she looked away, he took off. This created suspense because it changed the reader's point of view on Vera. Originally, she seemed like a very innocent, clean, young women. However, after finding out about her background, she seems suspicious. This makes the reader wonder: Does she have anything to do with the strange events that have been going on? Furthermore, another flashback takes place on page 80 when Justice Wargrave was readying himself for bed. He thought about the case he had to deal with including Edward Seaton. He remembered what he did to Seaton and how little sympathy he felt for him and his yearning for pure justice. This also creates suspense in the same way; it gives the reader the knowledge that something is wrong with Wargrave and that he isn’t a normal person with nothing to do with anything. The history of both of these characters make them strange