Examples Of Foreshadowing In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In the second chapter of Night, the most significant occurrence is the the visions of Mrs. Schachter. As the Jews of the final convey leave in the packed trains, Mrs. Schachter begins to yell about flames and a fire that no one can see. She had been separated from one of her two children and her husband. Most assumed that she had simply gone crazy from not knowing what would happen to them. For the entire duration of their awful journey, she continued about this fire. The most intriguing thing is that the upon arrival to Birkenau, “crazy” Mrs. Schachter was right. “As the train stopped , this time we saw flames rising from a tall chimney into a black sky”(Wiesel, 28). It is intriguing that she was able to envision the crematoria. While no one