Examples Of Genocide

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Genocide essay Unlike any sort of mass killings, genocide is the deliberate intent of exterminating a group of people based on their religion, ethnicity, or nationality. The term “genocide” came to be after the horrific events of the Holocaust when Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer in 1944, wanted to create a word to describe the types of atrocities that occurred to the Jews. Genocide happens in many stages and starts with Classification and results to Extermination and then finally to Denial. There have been many examples of genocide that have happened in the past such as in Armenian, Cambodia, Nanking, and etc. But, genocide still occurs today in different parts of the world and can happen again in the future unless something is done …show more content…

Polarization is using hate propaganda to get more people on their side and the targeted group are disarmed to make the dominant group have total control. The Nazi Germans used posters, newspapers, radio, and hate speeches to portray Jews as a threat to the "superior race" and need to be exterminated. In the Preparation stage, plans are made for mass killings and different words like "ethnic cleansing" are used to disguise it from being genocide and, armies are built and trained and fear is created of the victim group. By increasing fear of the targeted group and gaining support, the dominant group is easily able to start their plans for eradicating the other group. The Bosnian genocide was stated as being "ethnic cleansing" as Bosnian Serbs tried to remove Bosnian Muslims from Bosnia territory. After these stages, Persecution occurs which is when death lists are created and the victim group will be deprived of food and water and some are sent to concentration camps and children are taken from their parents. In Cambodia, people were forced from their homes to work at labor camps where there was food shortages and children were taken from their parents. This stage will result in a lot of deaths but, soon, this stage eventually becomes an attempt to completely eradicate the targeted group in …show more content…

An example of this is in Turkey where they still deny that the genocide ever took place and is made illegal to talk about the Armenian genocide. The events of genocide happen when usually one group has more power than another group or, because of hatred towards a particular group of people in an area. But, the reason why genocide keeps occurring is because of lack of response from other parts of the world to stop genocide before it gets worse and, another reason is lack of understanding and communication between different groups of people to better understand each other and to try and solve their differences. Because these issues are difficult and complex to solve right away, this leads to more cases of genocide to occur in the future. In reports of genocide, the global community should try and raise more awareness of the genocide through social media and the news. This is because without many people drawing attention towards the genocide, nobody will likely intervene and try and help stop the genocide. And, by raising more awareness of the reports of genocide, more people can become involved including peace keepers and possibly the UN due to all the attention towards the genocide. And, when spreading news about the genocide, the global community should also try and make sure to keep talking about it or else people’s attention towards this subject