The Crucible is filled with many evil people who do many horrid things to forefeel their own goals but, the man that controlled Abigail to do as he pleased from behind things to complete their corrupt Mr. Parris, whose arrogance of worth over the town and his pride that could rival any other man’s clouded his judgment till the bitter end. Even from the start of the story you get strong sense of his most prolific Sins such as pride, arrogance, and his blatant mendacity when anyone suspected him or his family of any wrong doings or lies. It all started when the Noble Mr. Parris wondered upon the local girls of the village dancing in the woods but couldn’t confront them because when they heard his approach they ran vanishing into the woods. Parris …show more content…
Parris through to incriminate other of the town in order to break down the amount of resistance aginst him and his Arrogant ways by using his daughter and niece to pull the tides of blame away from him and to crash on the innocent people of the town of Salem. At the start of the story when he is first questioning Abigail he says “and I pray you feel the weight of truth upon you, for now my ministry’s at stake, my ministry and perhaps your cousin’s life.”(p.920). it is sickening that his worry is not first for the wellbeing of his child but for his job. He is so prideful of his holdings in the town that even the fact that his only child is sick and could be knocking on deaths door comes to a mere shadow compared to the fact that the others of the town may think him in a less rose colored light. Another quote that incriminates him is “you cannot hang this sort. There is danger for me. I dare not step outside at night.”(p.1230). Showing that rather than being scared of sending innocent people to their deaths he is more worry some over his own wellbeing not even mentioning his daughters safety. Another of his prideful statements is when he says “and I pray you feel the weight of truth upon you, for now my ministry at stake, my ministry and perhaps your cousin’s life.”(p.954). The fact that he thinks of his job first before his daughter shows just how sad a man he really is to the …show more content…
The next statement that shows his self-centered ways is “why Rebecca, we may open up the boil of all our troubles today.”(p.953) .Which is a large turning point in the play because it shows that in his arrogance he cannot see the truth that the things that are happening in the town are