
Examples Of Greed In The Great Gatsby

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The phrase “money is the root of all evil” is the true definition of this book (The Bible, 1 Tim. 6:10). The Great Gatsby reflects and encourages a more materialistic set of values says Rotham and I could not agree more (Rotham 2). Without the large amounts of money, the scandals would come to end and the characters would learn to love one another. Daisy, Gatsby, Tom, Myrtle, and George are just a few of the characters that revolve around the love of money and as already seen these characters have found the corruption of wealth. In the novel, Daisy is a woman who is obsessed with men who possess large amounts of money, after all she tells Gatsby “rich girls don’t marry poor boys”. In the beginning of the book, Nick is visiting Daisy and mentions …show more content…

When she first laid eyes on Tom, she knew she would be able to have the social status and way of life that came with great wealth. Myrtle’s husband was not rich enough to give her the luxurious lifestyle she craved and Myrtle did not believe her marriage reflected her social class. Her husband worked with cars and didn’t earn a large amount of money nor did he acquire a large inheritance. Myrtle was ready to leave her husband for Tom yet Tom was not willing to give up his reputation for her since he never really wanted her. The day Myrtle was hit by Gatsby’s car she was indeed chasing money. She told her husband to beat her just because she thought she had another life awaiting her, someone who loved her, and someone who would supply her dreams of a rich and extravagant lifestyle. Even though Tom abused Myrtle she still had the feeling of love towards his money that the thought to leave Tom never crossed her …show more content…

Gatsby’s house shows his riches even though that’s not where he came from (Rotham 1). Gatsby came from a poor family and never earned the type of income that was desired by Daisy, so as a result, she did not marry him. Gatsby met a man named Wolfsheim who got him involved with illegal things such as bootlegging. Myrtle’ sister, Catherine, had even heard the rumors about where Gatsby got all his money. Gatsby needed money to buy the things he thought would lure Daisy back from Tom. Gatsby showered daisy with s snow storm of his expensive shirts to lure Daisy back and he could not bring her back to loving him (Rotham 2). Rotham made a connection between Hilton and Gatsby where she said “Hiltons closet looked like a boutique, and Gatsby’s, in a way was one” (Rotham 2). Gatsby bought a house directly across from her on West Egg, he had parties every weekend hoping she would show up, and he searched newspapers for her pictures. When he found her pictures in the newspaper, he would then cut them out in hopes that would not be the last time he saw

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