Examples Of Hard Work In The Great Gatsby

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Kyla Castro
AP English Language

Greatness and success are achieved through hard work and discipline. Or so we believe. Americans are cultured to believe that anything can be achieved if you simply work hard enough. If that were true, everyone would be successful, yet that is not the case. Maybe components such as race, gender, resources, and sometimes even luck can bring one closer to success much more than hard work can. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald conveys his vision of “The American Dream” in his novel which insinuates how not just anyone can pursue “the American Dream”.Although The Great Gatsby is over 100 years old, some of these values of “The American Dream” can be held true to today’s society. Economic status …show more content…

Most Americans don’t genuinely believe that it is attainable or real. As stated in the article, “Who still believes in The American Dream?”, “I don’t believe in the American dream anymore. Nothing comes by just being here. You got to focus on bettering yourself and your family, through hard work and education. Be yourself, be true to you, not some dream, but you.” This proves that Americans have lost their morale when it comes to achieving “The American Dream”. If the majority of people do not believe that it is possible to attain “The American Dream”, nothing compels them to strive for it. In addition, the article also states, “To be free. There has been no American dream for me. I am a Native American, born on a reservation, and my people’s freedom has been taken away before, and my freedom is taken away and I have been thrown in jail.”. This refers to a Native American citizen that has been stripped of his freedom and rights. This demonstrates how people who were faced with the harsh reality of American society, will come to realize that the American Dream does not exist. Although, some may hold the belief that people can view “The American Dream” through a different lens and can live their version of “The American Dream”. Though this may seem true, the ideal of “The American Dream” is materialistic wealth and success, which not everyone can …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, contains ideals and morals that are reflected in society today. “The American Dream” is portrayed as something that anyone can reach if they work hard enough. Material wealth and success is not possible for just anyone and is not realistic goal. The American Dream is something that we have been conditioned to strive for. The end goal which we seek for the rest of our lives. The American Dream caters to those who were born rich and wealthy. Those who do not have to worry about facing eviction notices, being deported, or starvation. The American Dream was not made for all Americans, but for Americans who were lucky enough to receive it.

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So say nearly 6 in 10 people responded to CNNMoney's American Dream Poll. “The American Dream Is out of Reach.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network,